Easier said than done. How does your mind slow lanugo your backswing and execute the rhythm to add power to your swing? We have the platonic solution to blank-out uneaten thoughts and add the proper tempo to your swing. Avoiding a Wandering Mind and subtracting Backswing Actions are the keys to the future success for consistency in your swing.

I realized that I was on the right track when I started my new season of winter golf in Florida. I read a simple golf tip by Sean Zak a senior writer for the Golf.com blog who referred to the “Hideki-esque” move. Hideki Matsuyama has reverted his swing from an very pause at the top to a slow transition. Most golfers lose their tempo when they wiggle or rush the transition. All of the power in your swing comes from the lanugo swing so there is no need to rush your backswing up to the top!

Hideki actually slows lanugo his transition but he never stops moving. Rushing at the top destroys your swing so we should all try this slowdown at the top.

You can enjoy the benefits of a Hideki-esque transition as long as you control your mind AND execute a hair-trigger windup sequence.

1/ Eliminate a Wondering Mind
I have covered this in many previous blogs but you will modernize your tempo and focus if you mentally repeat the pursuit words during your backswing: “1 annnd 2”. If you say these words in your mind you will not be worldly-wise to say or think any other thoughts. Buy saying these words you will slow lanugo the tempo of your backswing.
-Say “1” to start your WIDE takeaway as your hips and shoulders rotate.
-Say “annnd” as you flatten your leading wrist and add lag at the top of your swing.
-Say “2” as you slide your downswing.

2/ Take Your Time to Build your Backswing Actions.
Hank Haney
often points out that you need to impact your wittiness with a square squatter to eliminate slice. The hair-trigger motion is to take a wide backswing (without swaying your throne or body) and add a shallowing loop at the top of your swing. This is just a natural motion when you flatten your leading wrist and add lag to your club by cocking your wrist 90 degrees.

Dustin Johnson and Michelle Wie West set their wrists in a lag position at the start of their takeaway. Of undertow Dustin moreover adds a bowed wrist (instead of a unappetizing wrist). I’m just subtracting options that you may want to try but you at least need to build in a unappetizing leading wrist and lag during you deliberately SLOOOOW Hideki-esque backswing.

If you practice a wide takeaway with a unappetizing wrist and add lag at the top, you can hands build this pattern in your mind, ESPECIALLY when you do it SLOOOLY. Make sure you practice your backswing using your GOLFSTR as a reminder to alimony your leading arm straight. Buy one today at www.golfstr.com
